In early October 2019, A middle - aged, decent woman, poorly dressed and sad looking face holding a female child aged about one year old, who was severely malnourished visited to our local office. The lady was in need of human help for the treatments supports of her ill baby. This lady explained her - self that she came from a near- by village in Bukoba, Kagera, Tanzania. She was a single mother after being divorced and chased away from her home due to her child physical disabilities. Currently, she was living in a friend home with the terms of finding a job to supply their basic needs. The baby was normally kept in- door during the day under the care of their neighbors while the two went for their daily jobs. But the baby’s health got deteriorated and she decided to seek for treatments support. This baby with congenital abnormalities, was born in December 2018 at a referral hospital in Bukoba. Through the hospital social welfare - support, the child was taken to a tertiary hospital in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania for surgical treatments were emergency colostomy was done. Due to increased billing of food, accommodation and medical issues, the mother failed to continue with other required treatments and decided to return back home in February 2019. In addition, besides her age the baby was not having any physical developmental milestones in preference to her age. In considerations of the baby’s critical deteriorated health, we manage to support them for their travel, accommodation and medical billing to a tertiary hospital in Dar -es- salaam where they were initially appointed. We also made a close follow-up until they arrived to their destinated hospital. Unfortunately, the surgical treatments could not proceed well and therefore, the child was kept under close monitoring of her weight until for the notable standards improvements. It was sad that, the child’s weight improvements were very slow that had to complicated for any surgical interventions. Unfortunately, the child died in march 2020. The tears of this innocent baby have risen the motives behind of this organization to help several other children, and special groups who are unable to proceed on the medical and rehabilitative treatments due to their poor socio-economic status. In most cases, poverty normally intervenes as the major factor for delay of medical treatment and living with consequences of permanent disabilities among poor socio-economic families. Therefore, the word THE AWAITED ONE HAND ORGANISATION was meant to stand as a one hand hero for those who are desperately in need of socio, rehabilitative and medical support.